Hall of Fame
The TACAMO Hall of Fame was instituted in 2012. It was long overdue to recognize outstanding and enduring people that helped to develop, execute and sustain the TACAMO mission.
The TACAMO Hall of Fame Class of 2012 is rather large and was meant to play "catch-up" for many years of unsung service. In 2013, TCVA set specific criteria for selection for the Hall of Fame. In 2017 TCVA adopted the number of inductees. TCVA selects 5 to 6 Inductees per year in the categories of TACAMO Sailor, Industry Partner, Government Support, Posthumous, or Community Service. (Adopted number of inductees 4/23/2017)
Nominations can be Submitted Year Round
Presentation of TACAMO Hall of Fame Inductees will be held at the Reunion banquet. When there is a mini-Reunion, HOF Inductees will be announced November 11th of that year. Awards will be present at the next Reunion.
Criteria for Induction
Guidelines for TCVA Hall of Fame induction:
Minimum 2 tours in TACAMO
Contributed to the mission/aircraft/morale/good reputation of TACAMO
Technical/professional/personal leadership - a mentor
Performed task or event that shaped the TACAMO mission
Community service
Generally recognized as deserving of this award
Industry Partner
Government Support
Community Service
Hall of Fame Inductees


TACAMO Sailor Our ALPHA Flew the very first VLF airborne transmitter flights in 1962- how we get to 50 years of OPS. Repaired and modified an EC-121 Super Connie to do this work at NAS Johnsville (Warminster) Had the first orbit, first moving block of airspace, first wire icing and loss, first carrier battle group interference. Later CO of NAS Johnsville, PA. NJROTC commander at Milton HS (mentor to young LT Vern Lochausen an MHS alum) Regional Director of Navy League

TACAMO Sailor About 8 years of dedicated service First Navy C-130 Herc pilot Delivered first VQ-3 Hercs from the factory in the 60s Flew a Herc (151891) around the world First VQ-3 pre-comm Det Officer in Charge The AC who few the Guam JATO takeoff in the famous picture First TACAMO Requirements Officer in the Pentagon- defender of TACAMO IVB funding Answered CNO Admiral Zumwalt's Z gram- "Why can't TACAMO talk HF TTY to SAC ABNCP?"

TACAMO Sailor About 15 years of dedicated service One of first super JO's to be assigned to VQ-4 in its infancy First Pilot to lose a TACAMO IVB drogue and wire in orbit flight tests Crew Certification leader for all VQ-4 TACAMO IVB crews First TACAMO Chief Engineer/Class Desk at NAVAIR VQ-4 MO, XO, and CO E-6 RFP to PDR First TACAMO NAVAIR program manager Delivered most of the aircraft 46.1 hours of E-6 stick time and 1 AR

TACAMO Sailor About 15 years of dedicated service Early VQ-3 JO in Guam days VQ-4 Commo and MO, XO, and CO E-4 NEACP and two White House leadership roles First TACAMO Commodore

Industry Partner About 5 years of dedicated service Second-E-6 Program Manager at Boeing, put in place to help the Navy and Boeing work better. Led that team through tough times of flight test, integration and delivery of all 16 birds. Lost two E-6 tails in the tests and bought Ernie Lewis a race horse as a result of one lost tail. Visionary leader with the very strong will to make the E-6 work for the Community.

Industry Partner Frank was a super Lockheed Hercules Tech Rep He served the squadrons on site in the start up periods of VQ-3 in Guam first and VQ-4 at Pax River later Frank was THE Herc expert and worked as hard as any Skipper or Sailor He taught many of us how to operate and maintain a Herc.

Industry Partner 38 years of dedicated service 1969-1975 VQ-4 Avionics Tech who taught the TACAMO IVB system to many of us. Collins Radio 1975- to 2007- TACAMO, Astarte, and ABNCP - Always on call to help the squadrons with issue and parts. If you are Old TACAMO or E-6B New TACAMO you know Jack McKenzie or have benefitted from his work or operated gear he has installed.

Posthumous He started out in a in VQ squadron in combat zones in VietNam, service that later cost him his health and life He was a respected and well loved VQ-3 and VQ-4 crew leader and department head later commanding VQ-3 in the early days of its return to continuous airborne operations, flying out of Barbers Point "Horse" was later the CO of a NAVCOMSTA He was a friend of every TACAMO Sailor and mentor to all who aspired to lead.

Posthumous Gareth was a super JO, E-6 IP, and an inspirational leader who was destined to become a squadron commander. He worked hard to get to Test Pilot School and there made his mark of excellence.

Posthumous Wing Master Chief Former maintenance master chief Flight engineer detailer Flight engineer instructor Later in life the wing manpower officer and expert on staffing and later still a manpower consultant to the Wing and the community.

Posthumous Shane was a stellar Antarctic Squadron (VXE-6) Herc flight engineer When he became a US citizen he came to TACAMO as a Herc FE. Then he became a stellar Merc FE and FE instructor After he retired, Shane was a Boeing E-6 tech rep here in OK and was great mentor to many a Sailor.

Posthumous He was a pioneer Reel Operator in TACAMO III and IVB NATOPS Reel Instructor, shop chief, instrumental in reel systems tech pubs and trainers Finished his career as the Master Chief Petty Officer in Charge of the E-6 Maintenance Training Detachment Huntsville, AL during the entire transition. He was there running the entire show because the trainers were built there and stayed there until the Tinker facilities were ready.

Posthumous Dave was an expert on the TACAMO IVB high power VLF transmitter system. He was a mentor to many an Inflight Tech and ACO, learning the system and how to operate it.

TACAMO Sailor Service - Plankowner in VQ-4, served in VQ-3, and VQ-4 in 80s Contributions -Helped develop earliest versions of TACAMO systems Crew leading In-Flight Technician in pre-comm/VQ-4 Leading Shop Chief Mentor to many current tech leads TSA and TCVA active projects leader Lead in finding Crew 4 families Reunion crafter and supporter Leadership-Tech teams, shop, training, mentor, and TSA/TCVA Community Service-Unparalledcontributions to quality maintenance in both squadrons.

TACAMO Sailor Herc FE in VQ-4 & Force Warfare AWACS FE for E6 transition Member of the "Pep Boys" Flight Test FE for Boeing for E6

TACAMO Sailor VR-1 in 1966 VQ-4 Plankowner ASW Test Directorate wirh TACAMO Herc 151891 Both a Reel Operator and Herc Flight Engineer Boeing in '87 as E-6 course writer and instructor Became one of the most reconized Reliability/Maintainability designers for both commercial and military aircraft.

Industry Partner Boeing E-6 Avionics Manager during full scale development Chief Engineer '90-'92, during Herc-Merc transition Solved tail flutter problem after 2 vertical stabilizers were damaged during test flights.

Posthumous ADCS Rossie Coleman was perhaps the worlds most experienced C-130 Flight Engineer. He accumulated over 10,000 hours while in VQ-4, another 10,000 while at Lockheed, and unofficially is believed to have amassed a total of 39,550 total hours in the air, in a C-130. That's 1648 days, or 55 months, over 4 and a half years. Amazing!! These statistics are reflective of his dedication to his craft.

TACAMO Sailor Service - VQ-3 in late 60s, VQ-4 in mid-70s, VQ-3 -80s Contributions - Upgraded Safety/NATOPS program -VQ-4 Directed crew prep and start of 100% airborne -VQ-3 Guided execution and refinement of 100% -CO –VQ-3 Led Site Survey Team for E-6 basing Led E-6 analysis and selection team in OPNAV Creator of TACAMO Wing concept/strategic basing for SECNAV Led all Naval Aviation Technical Training-NTTC Memphi Leadership-VADM Jim Stockdale Leadership Award.

TACAMO Sailor Service-VQ-4 late 70s, VQ-3 in mid 80s, VQ-4 in early 90s PMA Rep at Rockwell Collins late 80s Rockwell Collins Tech rep mid 90s through present Contributions Crew leading In-Flight Technician in early VQ-4 100% Leading Shop Chief Directed CommSuite cross decks from Hercsto Mercs Squadron Maintenance Master Chief in one of most difficult VQ-4 periods Developed requirements for the wartime S3 Kits.

TACAMO Sailor Service-VQ-3 plankownerand VQ-4 in 70s/80s PMA 1980s through 2014. Total of 45 years. Contributions - Crew leading In-Flight Technician during 70s/80s Mentor and trainer of Mission Crews Leading Avionics Division Chief Technical expert for TACAMO Upgrade programs Led plan for cross deck of commsuites from Hercto Merc Herc and Merc mod schedule planner PMA’s lead program planner-schedules and financial-all mods since HPTS.

TACAMO Sailor Service - Plankownerin VQ-3 Flight Crew lead in developing TACAMO II and III Technical expert at NTTC TCVA Reunion and Historian supporter since it began Contributions Helped develop earliest versions of TACAMO Mission Avionics Crew leading In-Flight Technician in pre-command early VQ-3 Leading Shop Chief Directed development of relevant Chief Petty Officers’ Exams Technical expert advisor to NTTC CO.

Government Support Service - Naval Air Development Center PMA-271 and L-3 Communications 1982-1994 Contributions - Led tech team evaluating new VLF and navigation systems Led NADC lab teams during late Hercand early Mercperiods Led Navy E-6 development programs in PMA Design and engineering lead for EC-135 to Merccrossdeck Crafted E-6A to B mod program that made it work Pioneering single site, multi-contractor mods concept.

Posthumous Service-VQ-3 early 70s, VQ-3 mid-80s, VQ-4 early 90s Contributions - Brought EP-3/S-3 execution thrust to TACAMO-VQ-3 Directed crew support and buildup in VQ-3 100% ops Led upgrades in tactics/crew performance in VQ-3 Led transition from Hercsto E-6 Mercury in VQ-4 Strongest leader advocate for disassociated sea duty Led Naval CommsArea Master Station as CO Leadership-CO VQ-4 in most challenging period since 1970s.

TACAMO Sailor "CAPT Bill Coyne" Pioneering CO of VQ-4 who crafted the tactics and structures that empowered the TACAMO community standup to 100% airborne coverage. Later Bill convinced the Navy to fence TACAMO funds while serving as Atlantic Forces Comptroller and has served TCVA with pro-bono legal advice.

TACAMO Sailor "RMCS Neil Carbery" ACS instructor and mentor to hundreds of Radiomen and ACOs in both squadrons and pioneer of TACAMO III to IV and IV to TIP I and II transitions. As first a contractor and later government employee, Neil was part of the Newport, RI based Naval Undersea Warfare Center team that developed/tested/installed the communications systems for SEAWOLF and TRIDENT submarines. They frequently copied and ensured that YES, TACAMO was 5 by 5.

TACAMO Sailor Reel Operator Instructor from TACAMO III to HPTS, NAVAIR tester of TIP I,II, and EMP mods, Astarte program instructor, Maintenance Master Chief, and current Rockwell Field Service Engineer directly serving the Fleet at NAS OKC. Jerry has become the "go to" guy in the community for Reel Systems, with 19 years post Navy service to the Fleet at the TACAMO Wing.

Government Support "CDR Lew McIntyre" Early TACAMO III and IV ACO instructor who contributed most to the E-6A and B transitions as a contractor systems engineer, combining Fleet experience with hard engineering to solve the technical problems involved in advancing communications technology. Lew was the NAVAIR E-6 Program Office Employee of the Quarter in 2015 for solving EUCOM ABNCP comms issues in the E-6B.

Posthumous "AMCS Stan Grant" Reel Operator and Instructor Extraordinaire who mentored ROs from the 1970s thru his untimely passing in the 1990s. Stan taught the French to operate the TACAMO reel system they had in their Astarte C-160 aircraft.


TACAMO Sailor and Industry Partner

TACAMO Sailor and Industry Partner



Industry Partner

Industry Partner & TCVA supporter

TACAMO Sailor & Industry Partner

TACAMO Sailor, Contractor & Fleet Support Team Member


Posthumous, TACAMO Sailor, Wing Support & Boeing

TACAMO Sailor, Industry Leader & TACAMO Community Veterans Association President & Historian

2018 TACAMO Hall of Fame Inductee

2018 TACAMO Hall of Fame Inductee

2018 TACAMO Hall of Fame Inductee

2018 TACAMO Hall of Fame Inductee

2018 TACAMO Hall of Fame Inductee

2018 TACAMO Hall of Fame Inductee

2018 TACAMO Hall of Fame Inductee