Sheraton Downtown OKC Hotel is hosting TACAMO events and within walking distance from Bricktown!
Room Availability
Rooms in OKC will go fast due to softball tournaments and the Sooner Cosmic Con being held at this time of year.
Room Rate $98 per night plus taxes (Daily Rates are usually AAA/AARP/Senior Rate $200)
Rate is good for June 19 to 26, 2017
Traditional Double or King
Accessible King or Double
Complimentary Wi-Fi in guest room and public areas
Hotel Breakfast Buffet in 1889 Landrun Café at GSA (Military standard daily)
No charge for early check-in – based upon availability
Complimentary luggage storage at check-in until room is ready
20% discount on food and beverage in the area lounge
Room Rate cutoff is 5:00 p.m. local OKC time on 22 May 2017
Reservations end, May 22, 2017