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Established 25 years ago, Personnel Support Detachment now Customer Support Detachment (CSD) closes

Trailing Wire News

Established 25 years ago, Personnel Support Detachment now Customer Support Detachment (CSD) is closing in September. Billets are being stood up in each squadron per the new plan to do personnel records and transactions. Only the ID card section will remain.

CSD Oklahoma City has provided all essential services for active duty and reserve military, their families and the retiree population with great distinction. Being geographically isolated and imbedded with the Wing, the Det has served thousands of TACAMO and other Navy customers, nearly all of whom served in their region and have reported, traveled repeatedly, and detached with all of the required pay, leave, entitlement, and personnel record actions that come with each customer. As the Detachment closes, TCVA provided recognition to leader Jim Trattner and his team. We hope they will depart with the knowledge that all their support has truly made meaningful and lasting differences in the lives of thousands of grateful Sailorsand their families. Over the years, the Det has hired several TACAMO and other Navy veterans. They understand the challenges this mission brings and it shows in the service they provided.

Special thanks to CAPT Dave Meron, CO University of Kansas Navy ROTC for giving us a heads up on this closure.

Presenting certificates & TCVA challenge coins: Vern Lochausen, TCVA President and Jim Trattner, former PNCM (who became the det leader in 2009)

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