It is with much sadness TCVA reports the passing on one of TACAMO brothers, Cliff Greer.
The following is an email from Jack Bowers. Good morning fellow TACAMOites, I hope each of you had a great Veterans Day, and I want to thank each and every one of you for your service to our great Nation. It was an honor to serve with you. Yesterday, our local VFW held a Veterans Day ceremony to commemorate and thank all veterans for their service. They served coffee and donuts afterward and while I was standing there a young man came hobbling up to me on a cane and said, "Do you know me?" I said you look familiar, but you will have to help me with your name. "Ferrel Greer" I hadn't seen him since he lived on a farm near the base in Sugar Grove. He was one of a pack of kids Beverly and Cliff Greer had at Pax. Ferrel told me his dad, CWO Cliff Greer, after moving to our little local Navy base, NIOC Sugar Grove - think it was NSGA then, to be XO, he and his wife, Beverly separated and divorced. Beverly remarried locally and died of cancer a few years later. His dad, Cliff, had retired after his XO tour, stayed in the area for a couple of years, then moved south to Beckly, West Virginia where he worked for a couple of years, then returned to his home state of Texas and passed a couple years ago. You will remember Cliff, our jolly CMS Custodian who worked in the vault behind my office. I don't have an obituary, but will send it along if we are able to locate it.
Just wanted to let you know. Cliff was a good friend, and working in the vault, I spent a bit more time than most of you. He had been a RM prior to being promoted to WO1. I believe he was promoted to CWO2 there at Pax, not sure of his retirement rank. Ferrel was walking with a cane because his battle with testicular cancer and the surgery that resulted in his disability. Hoist your glasses for a passed shipmate, friends, to Cliff Greer. Respectfully, Jack

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