Message from Vern Lochausen

It is with great sadness that I advise that today the community lost Phil Miller, founder of Long Wave Inc.
My history with him is long and happy. If you like the MAS trainers we have, those were Phil’s first big win, as a Rockwell-Collins engineer. The APM-T, Gale Matthews caught me by phone as I was passing thru DFW and introduced me to Phil and his crazy idea of creating a trainer using aircraft components but not in aircraft racks. That was maybe 1982 or so. He left Collins and started his own company when I was post-command working at CNAF. As the Commodore, I was able to get VLF and HF propagation tools from his little company and some good technical help, his first Navy contract. As a Boeing manager, firewalled from E-6 after glass cockpit wins, I did two study projects for the Navy under Phil’s contracts. We also figured out then how to convert the MAST to operational scenario trainers, way ahead of the technology that enables the WSTs today. Later still I was his first BD guy while I was working for TRW Radio Systems in San Diego. And I spoke at his company’s 25 anniversary.
Each of you have seen how he took on any task and today there are no less than 5 TACAMO veteran superstars running the company. Phil leaves a great legacy and a fine record of service to TACAMO and his Air Force (HF Global Net) and submarine community clients.
I am going to like the world less without Phil. RIP.
Vern Lochausen

TCVA extends its sympathy and prayer for peace to Phil Millers's family and friends during this time of the passing.